
"Take only memories. Leave only footprints"

- Chief Seattle


Wise words from The Chief, but not always easy to live by these days. We get it. You love to travel, so do we.
But travel comes at a cost and in this day and age we leave behind far more than just our actual 'footprints'.

Ecostick represents the start of a revolution when it comes to reducing your travel footprint and every time you use
one you're using one less single serve plastic bottle or tube.

Help us eliminate single use plastic

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Protect the environment while you travel

Hotels & motels are genuinely trying to help you to reduce your impact while you travel, after all, that in turn reduces theirs.

The farm to table movement, the number of hotels now keeping their own bees, encouraging guests to make a decision around how often their linen is changed are great examples of ways that hoteliers are trying to make a difference.

Now Ecostick makes it possible for them to replace the individual bottles of toiletries with a truly degradable solution.  

Exceeds guest expectations for quality

Fully biodegradable plant-based cosmetics with botanical formulations

Now is the time
for change

We’re leaving far more
than footprints

Hygienic, no mess and no refilling required