Plastic kills more than

1.1 million animals a year

Over the past 50 years

world plastic production has doubled

What’s so special about Toast Ecostick?

  • It's paper-based packaging and every time you use a Toast Ecostick, you are eliminating 1.2gm of single use plastic packaging.
  • Now that's a pretty small saving right? Well, last year hotels threw over 30 tonne of used Toast PCU packaging in the bin. So small changes can have a pretty significant impact.
  • Removes the requirement for accommodation providers to consider special means of recycling, straight to landfill for these fellas. Where they will break down in about 5 years.
  • This world-first innovation is 100% New Zealand developed, designed and manufactured.
  • On table or at buffet, caddies offer simple, clean and user friendly display.

It takes 450-1,000 years for plastic to degrade