How Your Business can build Customer Confidence after Covid-19
Published on Jun 11, 2020
Workplaces and those who operate public spaces should think about using a germicide sanitiser to boost customer confidence in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
HealthPak General Manager of Sales and Marketing, James Kennedy-Grant says a germicide sanitiser was ideal for large spaces like gyms, offices, restaurants, cafes and bars, public spaces like libraries and malls, and schools and universities.
"Germicides are longer acting sanitisers because they don't evaporate at the same speed as an alcohol-based sanitiser, so they are perfect for those larger spaces with lots of flat surfaces," Kennedy-Grant says.
"They’re also non-flammable which makes them much safer to be stored and shipped in large quantities, so again, ideal for most workplaces."
Most businesses had a heightened focus on cleanliness since the global lockdowns to try to contain and eradicate Covid-19, and there was a greater understanding that being seen to be clean was just as important as being clean.
"It’s important business choose the right sanitiser for the job," Kennedy-Grant says. This often meant a mix of cleaning options.
The re-opening of gyms is an example of this as santising sprays are common for customers to use on equipment after a workout and hand santisier was also available to increase the customer’s confidence.
Tables at cafes, bars and restaurants are being disinfected in between a change of customers.
And some airlines were including hand sanitiser in their hygiene packs for customers along with anti-bacterial wipes and face masks.
HealthPak has a range of hand sanitiser options including a new 35ml flip top bottle that was proving popular with motels and hotels to provide free to customers in their rooms.
The accommodations sector knows that as domestic travel increases customers want an experience that is healthy and safe.
Health Pak’s hand sanitiser is a New Zealand made 70 percent alcohol, 30 percent water mixture that is completely biodegradable.
The water is a crucial ingredient as it slows the product’s evaporation.
The use of germicide sprays and hand sanitisers has soared with the Covid-19 pandemic and Kennedy-Grant says they are an ideal instant cleanse.
But washing our hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds was still the best method for removing germs, and basic soap is just as effective as antibacterial soaps.
HealthPak manufactures about 400 tonnes of soap - roughly 20 million bars, each year.
For businesses it sells five litre bottles of hand sanitiser and germicide, both of which are liquid, not gel, and are completely New Zealand made.
Find out how HealthPak can work alongside your business to develop new bespoke ranges or for details on our current range of guest amenities, call us on +64 9 579 6268, email us at or contact us via the website.